International Missing Persons Wiki

Martha Lavonne "Marty" Evans was a woman who vanished in 1990 following a wedding reception. She told friends she had to make a trip to Warrenton to pick something up, but never returned. The last sighting of her was at a gas station in Astoria, upset and crying on the phone.


  • Dark brown hair.
  • Brown eyes.
  • Appendectomy scar and hysterectomy scar on abdomen.
  • Pierced ears.
  • Tattoo of seven roses on back of left shoulder.
  • Tattoo of a banner saying "Daddy" on back of left shoulder.
  • Tattoo of a dragon on right ankle.
  • Tattoo of a tiger on abdomen, covering the appendectomy scar.


  • Strapless, backless maroon and black silk lace dress.
  • Short black leather jacket.
  • Black nylon stockings.
  • Black heels.
  • Twisted gold hoop earrings.

