International Missing Persons Wiki

Karlie Lain Gusé was a teenager who vanished from Chalfant, California.


On October 12, 2018, Gusé went out with friends and her boyfriend. She told her stepmother, Melissa, that she would get a ride home from him. While at the party, Gusé suddenly began to panic, becoming frantic and paranoid for no apparent reason. Sometime before 9 PM, Gusé called her stepmother, begging her to come and pick her up. When Melissa arrived at the trailer park where Gusé was supposed to be, she was nowhere to be seen. She was found about a mile away, running home in the pitch dark, using her cell phone to light up her path. As she got in the car, she immediately told Melissa how scared she was. Gusé's father said that when they arrived home, Karlie was huddling in the corner and panicking, telling her parents how much she loved them. She said that she didn’t want to sleep in fear of dying, and asked Melissa if she was going to call 911. When asked what was wrong, Gusé said she didn't know, but according to her stepmother, she admitted she had smoked marijuana. According to a text Karlie sent to her boyfriend, she feared that the marijuana had been laced. Melissa secretly recorded Karlie intending to show her her strange behavior later. That night, Melissa slept with Gusé in her bedroom.

When Melissa woke up around 7:15 the next morning, Karlie was gone and the front door to their house was slightly opened. There were no signs of forced entry and Karlie's phone, glasses, and money were left behind.

According to a witness, Karlie was last seen walking approximately 30 yards east of Highway 6 and 100 yards south of Sierra View Road on the morning of October 13, 2018. Despite an intense search, she was never seen nor heard from ever again. Karlie's biological mother suspects that she died of an overdose at home that night, but Melissa maintains that Karlie left the house alive.


  • Dark blonde hair.
  • Blue eyes.
  • Left nostril pierced.

Clothing and accessories[]

  • Gray sweatpants or jeans.
  • White T-shirt.
  • Vans brand shoes.
