International Missing Persons Wiki

Here is a list of rules and expectations for conduct and editing on our website. We must remain as inclusive and welcoming to keep our community strong.

General rules

  • All contributors are recommended to be at least eighteen (18) years of age, as many cases have disturbing content.
    • Users under this age requirement will be blocked. We do not want to discourage those interested in this area of interest but acknowledge the graphic nature of many cases and concerns with conduct.
  • This website is not a social network or an internet forum.


  • It is expected for all users to remain courteous and serious. Article contributions and messages that are disrespectful, racist, homophobic, transphobic or otherwise disruptive will not be tolerated. Pronged civility violations or the severity of comments will likely result in a block.
    • In general, all messages between users should be relevant to the case discussion.
    • Administrators may remove and alter comments at their discretion.
    • If you would like to report a concern, feel free to email us at unidentifiedwiki(at) for discretion purposes.
  • Profanity, unless used in a quote or in reference to descriptions of tattoos, clothing, etc. should be minimal and generally avoided.
  • Block evasion (creating new accounts after being blocked) will not be tolerated.
  • Only administrators are permitted to warn other users, inform them of certain policies/guidelines, or to request assistance/report concerns to outside agencies (such as the main Wikia site).
  • Do not upload images of living people (unless it is your own profile picture) to the site who have no definite connection to a case. We must respect the privacy of others.
  • Do not harass other users. Please respect requests from administrators and users if they wish for you to stop posting content on their or others' walls. It is their personal space.


  • Any spam posts (to a website unrelated to this concept, for example) is prohibited and will result in a block.
  • "Vandalism" or nonsense editing is not allowed and will likely result in a block.
  • Ensure that you contribute using an encyclopedic and neutral tone when adding information onto the site. Maintain an unbiased standpoint and avoid writing in first-person.
  • Do not copy and paste (or otherwise closely paraphrase) content from other websites. As a result, the page may be deleted, rephrased or removed.
    • Characteristics and personal items relating to the subject of an article may be difficult to reword and serve as the only exception for close paraphrasing.
  • Users are not allowed to create pages that have no media coverage, such as a cyberbully that has harassed them.
    • This also includes creating pages where the only source of information is from an internet forum.
  • Do not add information regarding the confirmed resolution of a case if the source is from a personal social media post or internet forum. Reliable indications that an individual has been located include news sources, in addition to organizations such as NamUS removing their listings, and the Doe Network and Charley Project posting announcements.
  • When adding information to a page, please provide reliable sources. The administrators have the discretion to remove any unsourced information added to a page.