International Missing Persons Wiki

Fay Rawley was a man who vanished in 1953.


Fay was a wealthy former bank president. He often lent people money and was known for having relationships with various women. He was also  known to carry around large sums of money. Due to these factors Fay had a lot of enemies. In the weeks leading up to his disappearance he was assaulted in Macomb and someone threw acid on his car. Someone also tried to run him over twice.

Fay had been separated from his wife for eight years. The day he disappeared was the day that his divorce was finalised.


Fay was last seen on November 8, 1953. He  had spent the evening at a woman’s apartment. The two were friends who had formerly been in a relationship. They had planned to get married once Fay’s divorce was finalised but the woman had decided to reconcile with her ex-husband instead. According to the woman Fay left at approximately 7:50 p.m. and has not been seen or heard from since.

It is believed that Fay returned to his home in Summum, Illinois as  there were signs that a struggle had taken place at his house. His glasses were also found there.

Strangely, Fay’s four door, green 1953 Cadillac also vanished. An employee at the Coal Co. Strip mine saw a car that resembled Fay’s that night. Although He couldn’t identify the driver and was unsure how many people were in the car. It is worth noting that Fay would often drive up to the mine in order to talk to the workers there. In both 1956 and 1962 authorities excavated the mine looking for Fay’s body but found nothing of interest.


  • Greying brown hair.
  • Blue eyes
  • He usually wore glasses but did not have them with him when he disappeared.
  • He wore dentures.
  • He was hearing impaired and wore a hearing aid.
  • He walked with a stoop and swung his right hand when he walked.

Clothing and accessories[]

  • A brown tweed overcoat.
  • A brown hat.
