International Missing Persons Wiki

Bertrand Saldo was a French boat captain who went missing from French Polynesia in 2002. He is believed to have been murdered.


Saldo went missing while sailing to Tahiti with former NBA player Bison Dele, as well as Dele's girlfriend and brother, Miles Dabord on July 7, 2002. Dabord arrived on the boat in Tahiti alone on July 20.

Dabord was arrested several months later in Arizona after it was discovered that he had forged Dele's signature to buy $152,000 worth of gold. The boat was located in Tahiti with possible bullet holes that had been repaired. It is believed that Dabord killed all three people and dumped their bodies in the Pacific Ocean, where it is unlikely they will be recovered. Dabord died by suicide before he could be formally charged for the murders.
