International Missing Persons Wiki

Baden Bond was a toddler from Australia who was last seen in March 2007.

His disappearance went unnoticed until June 2015 when law enforcement and the Queensland Department of Child Safety realized that Baden should have been in school; however, there were no records of him ever having been enrolled, nor was there any evidence that he'd been taken to the doctor at any point in that period.

Life prior to disappearance[]

Baden was born in 2005 to parents Shane Arthur Simpson and Dina Colleen Bond. After it was discovered that he was born with methamphetamine in his system, he and his siblings were removed from the home and placed in foster care for the next year, after which they returned to their parents.

Shane and Dina blamed him for all the trouble the family was having. They insisted he was 'evil,' even going so far as to call him 'the devil child,' along with other derogatory terms. He was isolated and kept locked in his room most of the time, with windows that were sprayed over with black paint. His diapers were often left unchanged and he was frequently covered with his urine and feces.

Disappearance and murder[]

Baden was last seen by the department of child safety on March 27, 2007, while investigating a report by a concerned relative that Baden was being neglected. Law enforcement believes that he died sometime between then and May 17, 2007, after his father took him to a park at dusk, sat with him for a short amount of time, and apologized before ultimately abandoning the toddler in the park. He was never seen again and is believed to have fallen into a stream that ran through the park and drowned. His parents packed up and moved to New South Wales without notifying friends or family.

In June 2015, community services reported him missing when they came looking for him and were given multiple answers about his current location: his parents claimed that he was living with various family members, friends, or that he was in foster care. In 2016, Baden's father admitted to abandoning him in the park that evening, claiming that his brain was "fried on drugs" and that Baden was too difficult and everything had just gotten to be too much. Both parents were convicted in 2019, with Shane being given a 12-year sentence and Dina having received a 3-year sentence; however, she was released after court due to time served.
