International Missing Persons Wiki

Acacia Patience Bishop (born October 29, 2001) was an infant who was abducted and presumably murdered by her grandmother in 2003. She was charged with her abduction but was acquitted due to insanity; she is currently committed to a mental hospital and is unlikely to be released.


Acacia's grandmother, Kelly Lodmell, was deemed unstable and was only permitted to have supervised visits with Acacia. On May 25, she escaped with Acacia while another relative was distracted. Shortly afterward, Kelly entered a hydroelectric plant, soaking wet, and stated to employees she had dropped Acacia into the Snake River. The plant was shut down so Acacia would not get sucked into the turbines. Dives were carried out over the next few days, but she was never found. Kelly has never been convicted of murder, primarily due to her mental illness.


  • Blonde hair.
  • Blue eyes.
  • Pierced ears.
  • Tennis ball-sized birthmark on abdomen.
